Errors & Warnings

Error and warning messages are posted in a red or yellow box above the recorded details. The messages are brief explanations. If you have questions of what a message is referring to, email or call AHA for further assistance. (816) 842-3757 or


               An error status prevents a record from being submitted to the AHA

                       When a record contains an error, you must resolve the error to submit the animal at that time or if it's another factor (needing an AI certificate) prohibiting the record from being submitted you can put the record on "Hold."

       "Hold" - When you put an animal on "Hold" the information entered is saved.

               For detailed instructions of where to locate animals on "Hold" refer to Animals on Hold.


       Error Examples

               Invalid Date of Birth.

               Sire XXXXXXXX born after 1/01/2011 has not been DNA tested

               Sire XXXXXXXX not in breeder herd at mating. AI Certificate required



               A record with a warning message is allowed to be submitted to the AHA.

                       When a record contains a "Warning" you can click the button "Override" however some warnings can prevent work from being processed in the future.

                       If you do not want to override the warning click "Hold" to resolve the warning later.

                               For detailed instructions of where to locate animals on "Hold" refer to Animals on Hold.

       Warning Examples

               Dam XXXXXXXX is multiply owned at calf's birth

               AI Cert XXXXXXX will be used for out-of-herd AI

               Herd ID is duplicated by animal XXXXXXXX