
The jobs section of MyHerd can be found under the "Jobs & Reports" tab.


From the Jobs & Reports tab select "Submit a Job" or "Submitted Jobs."                

       1. Submit a Job

               a. You may a submit a job to analyze a calf crop, run a dam production report, or run a potential defect carriers report.

               b. Select which of the three you want to run from the "Select Report or Job" drop down menu.


               Analyze Calf Crop:

                       The Analyze Calf Crop pave allows you to analyze a specific calf crop be selecting a year, season, and report type (Weaning Worksheet, Weaning Report/Yearling Worksheet, Yearling                                             Report, or Scan Report).

                               1. Select a year, calving season, and report type.

                               2. Click the "Submit Job" button to generate the report.


       Dam Production Reports

               The dam production summary was designed to track the lifetime productivity of a cow. The summary shows Herd IS number, registration number, age, the number of male and female                                   calves produced, average calving ease score, and calving interval.

                           A dam's progeny will be summarized according to average birth, weaning, and yearling ratios. Plus, her latest expected progeny differences (EPDs) and accuracies for all traits will                                                    be listed.

                               1. Select a year and calving season.

                               2. Click the "Submit Job" button to generate the report.


               Potential Defect Carrier Report

                       The Potential Defect Carrier report is generated from selected criteria.

                               1. Select cows maintained on inventory for a given year, or enter the registration number of any specific animal of interest, or enter a specific calf crop year of interest.  

                       Note: If you are interested in multiple animals, enter their registration numbers separate by a comma with no spaces.

                               2. Click the "Submit Job" button to generate the report.


2. Submitted Jobs

               a. You may view the progress of all jobs ran on MyHerd or in the office.

                       - If you do not see a job click the "Refresh list to see the progress of the submitted report jobs."