Yearling Weight

Reporting yearling data is optional in the Whole Herd TPR program, however if the breeder chooses to report yearling data then all yearling data, either weight and date or appropriate disposal codes must be reported. Scrotal circumference and hip height measurements are optional.

How to report Yearling Weight


       1. Open the Whole Herd TPR screen.

       2. Select the YW link corresponding to the year and calving season you want to report on.

       3. After the YW link is clicked the Yearling screen will open and the recorded, active calves will be listed in an Incomplete list.

       4. Click on an animal in the Incomplete list (their information will become highlighted in blue).

       5. Enter their yearling weight information in the performance boxes found below the Incomplete list.


       6. TPR breeders are required to report:

               a. Yearling date

               b. Yearling weight and yearling management code

               c. OR a Disposal code

Yearling Management Codes:


7. Remember if the calf was sold or died before yearling weights are taken, select a proper Disposal Code, otherwise the calf will remain on the Incomplete list.

8. After the yearling weight information is entered click the Update button.

9. The calf's record will then be moved to the Completed list.

10. After the entire calf crop has either a yearling weight & date or disposal code reported, you need to analyze the calf crop's performance to calculate the adjusted weights and ratios.

11. Click the button "Submit job now to analyze calf crop?"


       The job will only run if each recorded calf has a yearling weight or disposal code reported.

How to download the Yearling Weight "Completed" or "Incomplete" list


       1. When the Yearling Weight Incomplete list is open, click the Download List button. A spreadsheet will open on your computer with the reported calves from the selected list and their previously recorded details.